Vitokid-D3 Drops


Product Information:

Life On Vitokid D3 drops are a once daily strawberry and vanilla flavoured vitamin D supplement formulated for babies and children. This product contains no sugar, no artificial colours or preservatives.

The Department of Health recommends that babies from birth to 1 year of age should have a daily supplement of between 8.5-10 µg vitamin D throughout the year if they are:

• Breastfed or

• Formula fed and are consuming less than 500ml of infant formula per day.

The Department of Health also recommends that children from 1–4 years are given a daily supplement of 10 µg vitamin D throughout the year.

Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system, maintenance of normal and muscle function, and is needed for the normal growth and development of bones in children.

Food Supplement

Directions for use:

For children from birth to 12 months – 1 ml added to milk once daily.

For children 12 months to 12 years – 1 ml dispensed from dropper onto the tongue or added to drink once daily.

Warning: Vitamin D Supplements should not be given to children who consume over 500 ml of infant formula per day, as infant formula is fortified with Vitamin D.

Squeeze and release dropper into liquid to draw liquid to the 1ml line. 

Do not exceed the recommended intake.

This product is a food supplement and should not be used as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
